Time:2023-1-24 Edit:AirBFTsuspension

Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style

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AIRBFT pneumatic suspension modification website shares with you: Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style。Xiaopeng P7, as the first B-class smart electric coupe in China, has a dreamy and fashionable appearance design, which is why many young people like it. What do you think of the low-profile modified Xpeng P7 with pneumatic suspension? How? I really love the effect of this modification.

Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style

AIRBFT pneumatic suspension modification website shares with you: Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style。Xiaopeng P7, as the first B-class smart electric coupe in China, has a dreamy and fashionable appearance design, which is why many young people like it. What do you think of the low-profile modified Xpeng P7 with pneumatic suspension? How? I really love the effect of this modification.

Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style

Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style

Future technology chariot xiaoopengP7 Bagged modification style

The XPILOT3.0 system carried by Xiaopeng P7 supports many functions such as ACC adaptive cruise, ATC adaptive curve cruise, LCC lane centering assist, ALC intelligent auxiliary lane change and many other functions. It can also provide parking lot memory parking function. Extra friendly.

The smart cockpit experience of Xiaopeng P7 is better, especially in aspects such as voice interaction. After waking up the voice assistant Xiao P, some functions can be achieved through simple voice commands. After the latest OTA of Xiaopeng P7, functions such as voice knob, voice landing lock, voice adjustment of dashboard layout and other functions have been added, which can Meet the driving needs of multiple scenarios and free your hands. It is worth mentioning that the Xpeng P7 can also be switched to a smart music cab at any time, with built-in Dynaudio audio, smart light language and other rare configurations at the same price. Wanton karaoke in the car, release your attitude to your heart’s content.

More car modified bagged low profile cases: xiaoopengP7 Bagged 

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